Book Club

Explore Daniel Karim's handpicked selection of timeless books that every man must read in order to win the societal game and become their own messiah.


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Summa Theologica
Philosophy & Ethics

Summa Theologica

Thomas Aquinas
"Summa Theologica": Aquinas' comprehensive work on theology, ethics, and natural law.
Difference and Repetition
Philosophy & Ethics

Difference and Repetition

Gilles Deleuze
"Difference and Repetition": Deleuze's work on difference, repetition, and ontology.
The Book of Healing
Philosophy & Ethics

The Book of Healing

Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
"The Book of Healing": Avicenna's comprehensive philosophical and scientific encyclopedia.
The Philosophical Ideas of Swami Abhedananda
Philosophy & Ethics

The Philosophical Ideas of Swami Abhedananda

Gauri Ma
"The Philosophical Ideas of Swami Abhedananda": An exploration of Swami Abhedananda's philosophical ideas.
Cartesian Meditations
Philosophy & Ethics

Cartesian Meditations

Edmund Husserl
"Cartesian Meditations": Husserl's exploration of phenomenology and the nature of consciousness.
The Enneads

The Enneads

"The Enneads": Plotinus' writings on Neoplatonism, metaphysics, and spirituality.
The Human Condition
Philosophy & Ethics

The Human Condition

Hannah Arendt
"The Human Condition": Hannah Arendt's analysis of the nature of human existence in the modern world.
Gravity and Grace
Philosophy & Ethics

Gravity and Grace

Simone Weil
"Gravity and Grace": Simone Weil's reflections on spirituality, ethics, and divine grace.
Philosophy & Ethics


"Zhuangzi": A foundational text of Daoism, emphasizing spontaneity and simplicity.
Philosophy & Ethics


Mencius (Mengzi)
"Mencius": An exploration of the Confucian philosopher Mencius' ideas on morality and government.
Sic et Non
Philosophy & Ethics

Sic et Non

Peter Abelard
"Sic et Non": Peter Abelard's collection of theological and philosophical questions.
The New Science
Philosophy & Ethics

The New Science

Giambattista Vico
"The New Science": Vico's philosophy of history and society.
Philosophy & Ethics


Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet)
"Candide": Voltaire's satirical novella on optimism and the human condition.
The Theory of Communicative Action
Philosophy & Ethics

The Theory of Communicative Action

Jürgen Habermas
"The Theory of Communicative Action": Habermas' work on communicative rationality and social theory.
The Poetics of Space
Philosophy & Ethics

The Poetics of Space

Gaston Bachelard
"The Poetics of Space": Bachelard's exploration of the phenomenology of poetic imagination.
Totality and Infinity
Philosophy & Ethics

Totality and Infinity

Emmanuel Levinas
Totality and Infinity": An exploration of ethics and responsibility in the relationship between self and other by Emmanuel Levinas.
Process and Reality
Philosophy & Ethics

Process and Reality

Alfred North Whitehead
"Process and Reality": Whitehead's metaphysical work on process philosophy.
Prison Notebooks
Philosophy & Ethics

Prison Notebooks

Antonio Gramsci
"Prison Notebooks": Gramsci's writings on culture, politics, and Marxism.
Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way
Philosophy & Ethics

Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way

"Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way": Nagarjuna's foundational text on Madhyamaka Buddhism, addressing the nature of reality.
Of Grammatology
Philosophy & Ethics

Of Grammatology

Jacques Derrida
"Of Grammatology": Jacques Derrida deconstructs the role of language in philosophy and culture.
The Logic of Scientific Discovery
Philosophy & Ethics

The Logic of Scientific Discovery

Karl Popper
"The Logic of Scientific Discovery": Karl Popper introduces the principles of falsifiability and the scientific method.
The Myth of Sisyphus
Philosophy & Ethics

The Myth of Sisyphus

Albert Camus
"The Myth of Sisyphus": Albert Camus' essay on the absurdity of life and the philosophical question of suicide.
The Collected Papers
Philosophy & Ethics

The Collected Papers

Charles Sanders Peirce
"The Collected Papers": Charles Sanders Peirce's comprehensive collection of writings covering semiotics, pragmatism, and logic.
Truth and Method
Philosophy & Ethics

Truth and Method

Hans-Georg Gadamer
"Truth and Method": Hans-Georg Gadamer's examination of hermeneutics, interpretation, and tradition in understanding.
Word and Object
Philosophy & Ethics

Word and Object

Quine (W. V. O. Quine)
"Word and Object": Quine (W. V. O. Quine) challenges the analytic-synthetic distinction and explores language's role in knowledge.
The Revolt of the Masses
Philosophy & Ethics

The Revolt of the Masses

Ortega y Gasset
"The Revolt of the Masses": Ortega y Gasset discusses the challenges of mass society and individualism.
The Sublime Object of Ideology
Philosophy & Ethics

The Sublime Object of Ideology

Slavoj Žižek
"The Sublime Object of Ideology": Slavoj Žižek explores the role of ideology in culture and politics.
Phenomenology of Perception
Philosophy & Ethics

Phenomenology of Perception

Maurice Merleau-Ponty
"Phenomenology of Perception": Maurice Merleau-Ponty's work on embodied perception and the nature of consciousness.
Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
Philosophy & Ethics

Tractatus Theologico-Politicus

Benedict de Spinoza
"Tractatus Theologico-Politicus": Benedict de Spinoza's treatise on theology, politics, and religious freedom.
Experience and Nature
Philosophy & Ethics

Experience and Nature

John Dewey
"Experience and Nature": John Dewey's work on pragmatism, experience, and naturalism.
Appearance and Reality
Philosophy & Ethics

Appearance and Reality

F. H. Bradley
"Appearance and Reality": F. H. Bradley's exploration of metaphysics, idealism, and the nature of reality.
Four Essays on Liberty
Philosophy & Ethics

Four Essays on Liberty

Isaiah Berlin
"Four Essays on Liberty": Isaiah Berlin's essays on the concept of liberty in political philosophy.
The Ego and Its Own
Philosophy & Ethics

The Ego and Its Own

Max Stirner
"The Ego and Its Own": Max Stirner's individualist philosophy advocating for egoism.
Philosophy & Ethics


Duns Scotus
"Ordinatio": Duns Scotus' scholastic work on theology, metaphysics, and ethics.
Powers of Horror
Philosophy & Ethics

Powers of Horror

Julia Kristeva
"Powers of Horror": Julia Kristeva's psychoanalytic exploration of abjection and the human psyche.
The Life of Reason
Philosophy & Ethics

The Life of Reason

George Santayana
"The Life of Reason": George Santayana's exploration of reason, ethics, and aesthetics.
The Elements of Theology
Philosophy & Ethics

The Elements of Theology

"The Elements of Theology": Proclus' Neoplatonic work on metaphysics, theurgy, and the divine.
Must We Mean What We Say?
Philosophy & Ethics

Must We Mean What We Say?

Stanley Cavell
"Must We Mean What We Say?": Stanley Cavell's philosophy of language and skepticism.
The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom
Philosophy & Ethics

The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom

Sankara (Adi Shankaracharya)
"The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom": Sankara's text on Advaita Vedanta, discussing self-realization and ultimate reality.
Natural Right and History
Philosophy & Ethics

Natural Right and History

Leo Strauss
"Natural Right and History": Leo Strauss' examination of political philosophy, natural right, and tradition.
A Theory of Justice
Philosophy & Ethics

A Theory of Justice

John Rawls
"A Theory of Justice": John Rawls' influential work on justice, fairness, and social contract theory.
The Imaginary Institution of Society
Philosophy & Ethics

The Imaginary Institution of Society

Cornelius Castoriadis
The Imaginary Institution of Society" by Cornelius Castoriadis: An exploration of the role of human imagination and creativity in the creation of social institutions and meaning.
Homo Sacer
Philosophy & Ethics

Homo Sacer

Giorgio Agamben
"Homo Sacer" by Giorgio Agamben: A study of the concept of "bare life" and the implications of sovereignty and exclusion in modern politics.
Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
Philosophy & Ethics

Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature

Richard Rorty
"Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature" by Richard Rorty: Rorty's critique of representationalism and his exploration of pragmatism as an alternative to traditional philosophy.
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