Book Club

Explore Daniel Karim's handpicked selection of timeless books that every man must read in order to win the societal game and become their own messiah.


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An Essay on Man
Philosophy & Ethics

An Essay on Man

Ernst Cassirer
"An Essay on Man": Ernst Cassirer's exploration of symbolic forms and human culture.
Reasons and Persons
Philosophy & Ethics

Reasons and Persons

Derek Parfit
"Reasons and Persons" by Derek Parfit: An examination of personal identity, rationality, and ethics, addressing questions of self-interest and morality.
Outlines of Pyrrhonism
Philosophy & Ethics

Outlines of Pyrrhonism

Pyrrho of Elis
"Outlines of Pyrrhonism" by Pyrrho of Elis: An ancient skeptical work presenting the Pyrrhonian approach to philosophy, emphasizing suspension of judgment.
Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values
Philosophy & Ethics

Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values

Max Scheler
"Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values" by Max Scheler: Scheler's discussion of formalism in ethics and his development of a non-formal ethics grounded in values.
Essays on Actions and Events
Philosophy & Ethics

Essays on Actions and Events

Donald Davidson
"Essays on Actions and Events" by Donald Davidson: A collection of essays on the philosophy of action, event causation, and the nature of mind.
The Idea of a Critical Theory
Philosophy & Ethics

The Idea of a Critical Theory

Raymond Geuss
"The Idea of a Critical Theory" by Raymond Geuss: Geuss' examination of critical theory, ideology, and the role of philosophy in social and political analysis.
Sources of the Self
Philosophy & Ethics

Sources of the Self

Charles Taylor
"Sources of the Self" by Charles Taylor: A philosophical exploration of the development of modern identity and the sources of human self-understanding.
The Book of Mozi
Philosophy & Ethics

The Book of Mozi

"The Book of Mozi" by Mozi (Mo Tzu): An ancient Chinese text presenting the ethical and social philosophy of Mozi, emphasizing universal love and utilitarian ethics.
Reason, Truth, and History
Philosophy & Ethics

Reason, Truth, and History

Hilary Putnam
"Reason, Truth, and History" by Hilary Putnam: Putnam's exploration of philosophy of language, realism, and the relationship between truth and meaning.
Philosophy & Ethics


Jacques Lacan
"Écrits" by Jacques Lacan: A collection of Lacan's psychoanalytic writings exploring concepts like the unconscious, language, and the symbolic order.
Thales of Miletus
Philosophy & Ethics

Thales of Miletus

"Philosophy as a Way of Life" by Pierre Hadot: Hadot's examination of ancient philosophical practices and the idea of philosophy as a transformative way of life.
Philosophy as a Way of Life
Philosophy & Ethics

Philosophy as a Way of Life

Pierre Hadot
"The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas Kuhn: Kuhn's influential work on the nature of scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts in the history of science.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Philosophy & Ethics

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

Thomas Kuhn
"This Sex Which Is Not One" by Luce Irigaray: Irigaray's feminist exploration of language, sexuality, and the representation of women in philosophy.
Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy & Ethics

Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind

Wilfrid Sellars
"The Revolt of the Masses" by Jose Ortega y Gasset: A philosophical reflection on the challenges of modernity and mass society.
This Sex Which Is Not One
Philosophy & Ethics

This Sex Which Is Not One

Luce Irigaray
"Black Skin, White Masks" by Frantz Fanon: Fanon's analysis of racism, colonialism, and the psychology of oppression.
Black Skin, White Masks
Philosophy & Ethics

Black Skin, White Masks

Frantz Fanon
"Gender Trouble" by Judith Butler: A groundbreaking work in gender theory, exploring the performative nature of gender identity.
Creative Evolution
Philosophy & Ethics

Creative Evolution

Henry Bergson
"Creative Evolution" by Henri Bergson: Bergson's exploration of the philosophy of evolution and the nature of consciousness, emphasizing creative, non-mechanical evolution.
Syntactic Structures
Philosophy & Ethics

Syntactic Structures

Noam Chomsky
"Syntactic Structures" by Noam Chomsky: Chomsky's groundbreaking work in linguistics, introducing transformational-generative grammar.
A Short History of Decay
Philosophy & Ethics

A Short History of Decay

Emil Cioran
"A Short History of Decay" by Emil Cioran: Cioran's philosophical reflections on pessimism, nihilism, and the human condition.
On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers
Philosophy & Ethics

On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers

Friedrich Schleiermacher
"Creative Evolution" by Henry Bergson: Bergson's exploration of the vitalist philosophy of evolution and the nature of consciousness.
The Parasite
Philosophy & Ethics

The Parasite

Michel Serres
"The Parasite" by Michel Serres: An interdisciplinary exploration of the concept of the parasite, examining its significance in various fields.
Erotism: Death and Sensuality
Philosophy & Ethics

Erotism: Death and Sensuality

Georges Bataille
"Erotism: Death and Sensuality" by Georges Bataille: Bataille's philosophical and anthropological exploration of eroticism and its connection to death and taboo.
Philosophy & Ethics


Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
"Monadology" by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Leibniz's metaphysical work presenting his philosophy of monads, individual substances with unique perceptions.
Being and Event
Philosophy & Ethics

Being and Event

Alain Badiou
"Being and Event" by Alain Badiou: Badiou's exploration of ontology and the concept of an event as a rupture in being.
Time and Narrative
Philosophy & Ethics

Time and Narrative

Paul Ricoeur
"Time and Narrative" by Paul Ricoeur: Ricoeur's philosophical examination of the role of narrative and time in human experience and understanding.
Philosophy & Ethics
"Xunzi" by Xunzi: The writings of Xunzi, an ancient Chinese philosopher, emphasizing the role of education and ritual in moral development.
After Virtue
Philosophy & Ethics

After Virtue

Alasdair MacIntyre
"After Virtue" by Alasdair MacIntyre: MacIntyre's critique of modern moral philosophy and his call for a return to virtue ethics.
Philosophy & Ethics


Diogenes of Sinope
"Cynicism" by Diogenes of Sinope: A collection of the teachings and anecdotes of Diogenes, the ancient Greek philosopher known for his unconventional and cynical lifestyle.
Against the Galileans
Philosophy & Ethics

Against the Galileans

Emperor Julian
"Against the Galileans" by Emperor Julian: An ancient work criticizing the rise of Christianity and advocating for a return to traditional Roman religion.
Philosophy & Ethics


William James
"Pragmatism" by William James: James' exploration of the pragmatic philosophy and its emphasis on experience, truth, and the practical consequences of beliefs.
Philosophy & Ethics


John of Salisbury
"Policraticus" by John of Salisbury: A medieval work on politics and ethics, exploring the relationship between rulers and the ruled.
Negative Dialectics
Philosophy & Ethics

Negative Dialectics

Theodor W. Adorno
"Negative Dialectics" by Theodor W. Adorno: Adorno's philosophical work on dialectical thought and its critical engagement with traditional philosophy.
Trump: Think like a Billionaire
Entrepreneurship & Economics

Trump: Think like a Billionaire

Donald Trump
Donald Trump offers financial advice and strategies for achieving success in business.
Invent and Wander
Entrepreneurship & Economics

Invent and Wander

Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos's book shares his entrepreneurial journey and insights into Amazon's success.
Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
Entrepreneurship & Economics

Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies

Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras
Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras explore the common characteristics of enduring and visionary companies.
How to Get Rich
Entrepreneurship & Economics

How to Get Rich

Felix Dennis
Felix Dennis provides candid advice on wealth accumulation and entrepreneurship.
Riding the Storm
Entrepreneurship & Economics

Riding the Storm

Harold Geneen
Harold Geneen discusses his management style and strategies during times of corporate crisis.
My Life and Work
Entrepreneurship & Economics

My Life and Work

Henry Ford
Henry Ford reflects on his life and work, offering insights into the early days of the automotive industry.
On A Clear Day You Can See General Motors
Entrepreneurship & Economics

On A Clear Day You Can See General Motors

John Z. DeLorean
John Z. DeLorean provides an insider's perspective on the automotive industry and his time at General Motors.
Be My Guest
Entrepreneurship & Economics

Be My Guest

Conrad Hilton
Conrad Hilton reflects on his experiences in the hotel industry and his philosophy of hospitality.
The Real Deal:
Entrepreneurship & Economics

The Real Deal:

Sanford I. Weil
Sanford I. Weil shares his insights into the world of finance and business leadership.
The First Billion Is the Hardest
Entrepreneurship & Economics

The First Billion Is the Hardest

T. Boone Pickens
T. Boone Pickens shares his experiences and lessons learned in the world of finance and energy.
Rupert Murdoch
Entrepreneurship & Economics

Rupert Murdoch

Neil Chenoweth
Neil Chenoweth delves into the life and career of media mogul Rupert Murdoch.
The Outsiders
Entrepreneurship & Economics

The Outsiders

William N. Thorndike
William N. Thorndike examines the unconventional strategies of successful CEOs and their impact on business.
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