Emotional Control Crash Course

Pinpoint Your Stress Triggers And Transform Them Into Attainable Goals For Lasting Emotional Stability With Our Guided 5-Day Journey!

  • 5 Stoic Control Letters
  • 5 Emotional Control Techniques
  • Curated emails about the top 5 mistakes people make who are anxious
  • 1 Month TBU Membership

Emotional Control Crash Course

Pinpoint Your Stress Triggers And Transform Them Into Attainable Goals For Lasting Emotional Stability With Our Guided 5-Day Journey!

  • 5 Stoic Control Letters
  • 5 Emotional Control Techniques
  • Curated emails about the top 5 mistakes people make who are anxious
  • 1 Month TBU Membership with 300 Tools as a Bonus

A 5 Day crash course in cognition control

Pinpoint Your Stress Triggers And Transform Them Into Attainable Goals For Lasting Emotional Stability With Our Guided 5-Day Journey!

Daniel Karim

Founder & CEO of The Behaviour University

"Emotional discipline is the root that allows an oak to stand tall even in the midst of the wildest storm."

5 Stoic Tools in 5 Days

A Step By Step Plan To Pinpoint Your Stress Triggers And Transform Them Into Attainable Goals.

The Iceberg

This tool helps you unveil the hidden factors that shape your emotions.

Hook Habits

This tools helps with self awareness and emotional mastery.

The Value Investigator

This tool acts as an authenticity check to see if your current lifestyle and choices genuinely align with your personal values

Starting Small

And how setting small, manageable steps simplify the process of reaching your goals.

Success Contract

To make sure you have the accountability and clarity to reach the goals you set for yourself.

Is The Career Roadmap For You?

Great question. Let me quickly go over the 5 types of people this email course is for so you can figure out if it's a fit

You Struggle With Anxiety

Anxiety ensues when your brain over-estimates external threat and underestimates your personal coping powers, this program will teach you to swap your over-reactions for controlled and rational behavioural responses.

You Struggle With Depression

This course will provide you with a variety of powerful tools that will help you to change your behaviour, thinking patterns, beliefs, environment and other factors that you have control over.

Your Belief Systems Are In Need Of Upgrade

This program will challenge you to challenge all your belief systems in order to identify and defeat those who are responsible for your self-doubt, sense of unworthiness or imposter syndrom.

You Have Bad Habits

All bad habits start in thought, with higher cognition control it will be easier for you to resist temptations such as procrastination, junk food intake or other bad habits such as alcohol or drug consumption.

Who Is this
journal NOT for?

You aren't the kind of person who is willing to invest in themselves.

Your thoughts and belief systems are already as noble and powerful as they can be.

You aren't willing to take responsibility for your life.

Ask Yourself

Could it be true that if we prevent external circumstances from lowering the quality of our thoughts, that those events will fail at lowering the quality of our life?

Daniel Karim
What's inside

What you
will learn

Day 1  / The Iceberg

This tool helps you unveil the hidden factors that shape your emotions.

Day 2 / Hook Habits

This tools helps with self awareness and emotional mastery.

Day 3 / The Value Investigator

This tool acts as an authenticity check to see if your current lifestyle and choices genuinely align with your personal values

Day 4 / Starting Small

And how setting small, manageable steps simplify the process of reaching your goals.

Day 5 / Success Contract

To make sure you have the accountability and clarity to reach the goals you set for yourself.

Meet Your

Daniel Karim


Daniel Karim also known as 'The Nomadic Scholar' is the founder & CEO of The Behaviour University, host of The Psychology Podcast, author of 'The Home Therapist' book series and inventor of 300+ psychotherapeutic techniques.

If Daniel isn't creating new behaviour technologies for his web 3.0 mental health start-up group, he is traveling around the world in order to find extraordinary teachers who can help him to learn more about human behaviour.

He also enjoys playing basketball and smoking cigars, not necessarily at the same time though.

More Information
More Information

Inspired by the greatest psychologists of all time.

Dr. B.F Skinner
Dr. Ivan Pavlov
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
Dr. B.J Fogg
Dr.  Carl G. Jung
Dr. Albert Banduras

Client stories

The Behavior University is such a gift!

Whatever you’re going through internally, this application has made it so that you have the tools and support to create the life you desire. Not only that, it allows you to bring in people in your life so that you can grow with the relationships in your life that are near and dear to you. If you’re looking for a platform to help support you on your personal journey of self discovery and creation-you are in the right spot.

Jacky Keith

The Future Blueprint program was just the wakeup call I needed.

Very thankful for this tool for making this form of self-care so accessible and easy.'

The Future Blueprint' program was just the wakeup call i needed. It has helped me tremendously to confront my unhealthy mindset and plan for a life of purpose and awareness.

Ina Dervishaj

The Behaviour University is like a control station for your brain.

TBU is a lifehack, once discovered, you will ask yourself how you managed to live without it for so long.

The Behaviour University is like a control station for your brain that helps you to maxmize the quality of choices you make on a moment to moment basis.

Jeffrey Pegas

Teacher, Photographer, Model

If you truly want to work on yourself this is the place to go.

The TBU is a collection of wonderfully sophisticated self help tools that take you on a deep journey. Expect to spend some time on these tools as they are meant to guide you and shift you in ways you haven’t seen with other self help tools. If you truly want to work on yourself this is the place to go.

Jan Heinemann

Founder & CEO of EA Guardians

TBU helped me realize my ultimate potential.

Being a personal development junkie, I am always on the hunt of finding different ways to upgrade my life and discover more about myself.

If you’re looking for a platform to map out your entire vision for your life, collect all your thoughts, feelings, ideas, goals and dreams all in one place - TBU offers that and more.

Tiffany T.

ADHD Coach & Author

TBU will accompany you trough the peaks and valleys of your life journey.

The tools in The Behaviour University will provide you with skills that will accompany you through the peaks and valleys of your life journey.

Anni Thielemann

TBU helped me to understand myself more.

The exercises helped me to understand myself more and calmly keep my life together. The questions and the time to think as you’ve come to realize the things you expect for your life came out just by answering them. All I need to do is to give ample time and make it a habit to take 5-10 mins each day as it truly would help you out.

Monique Brodit

Founder of Autografica Studio

The Future Blueprint has given me tools, clarity and more confidence.

I’m at a loss for words as to how much the Future Blueprint program has impacted my life and my relationships. It has given me tools, clarity and more confidence. I have been able to figure out a self-fulfilling career that matches my core values. I couldn't be more thankful.

Madlene G.

Philosopher & Author

TBU helped me everyday in my transition from Designer to Software Developer.

The tools I found in the Behaviour University helped me everyday in my transition from Designer to Software Developer in 4 months.

Aaron Behrendsen

Programmer & Inventor

The quality of research backing the tool's approach to mental health is exceptional.

For a person like me who takes the DIY approach to much of life, the Behavior University has been a delight  I appreciate the self-guided approach to self improvement and mastery. The quality of research backing the tool's approach to mental health is exceptional. This is one platform that I am eager to share with others leaders in my network.

Anita Angelica Moore

CEO Blindboxes

TBU is like an Ivy League school for character development.

Daniel Karim's Behaviour University is like an Ivy League school for character development - minus the crippling debt.

Asfandyar Malik

Founder Culturly & Drums

TBU allows you to to channel your skills and strengths properly.

TBU is a great platform that allows you to learn to channel your skills and strengths properly.

In solid steps I learn to shape my potential into my own instrument to get the best out of my work.

Leyla Tarverdi

Entrepreneur | Artist & Psychology Student

TBU encouraged me to chase my dreams by helping me to design my own masterplan.

I always felt like my life was controlled by my circumstances, now I know that it is me who is the architect of my circumstances.
I've become the hero of my story.

Nicole Majer


TBU gave me the possibility to work on myself in a structured way with high quality content.

TBU gave me the possibility to work on myself in a structured way with high quality content.

Leo Kempkes


The Behaviour University helps you to become your own saviour

The Behaviour University helps you to become your own saviour by trusting you with hundreds of new weapons that you can use against your lifes' greatest challenges.

Jean-Luc Wagbe

CEO of Colortreat

TBU has helped me avoiding some unhealthy habits I was having

I've enrolled in TBU  3 weeks ago and I couldn't be more positively surprised. I highly recommend it! In such a short period of time, just by rating  how I feel  everyday and writing small messages to my future-self, I've already been more conscious about my inner status and feelings. That has helped me avoiding some unhealthy habits I was having.

Daniela Brum


It helped me understand myself better and how am I improving over time

As a person who loves to measure everything, I found the [Behavior Graph] the greatest feature on TBU, it helped me understand myself better and how am I improving over time. I also feel very confident about the content, you can tell it's professional and well curated.

Fernanda Flynn

Behaviour Design Consultant

Useful to everyone who wants to live a balanced and successful life in all significant dimensions.

The Wheel Of Life feature on the Mindboard of The Behaviour University is useful to everyone who wants to live a balanced and successful life in all significant dimensions.

Till Sager

Business Psychologist

Let’s time travel
to your new reality…

Let's think for a second about the possible returns of installing a romantic journaling system.

1 Year


What kind of self-dialogue would you have a year from now, if you would invest into your cognition control today?

3 Years


How would you treat yourself and others in 3 years if you practiced for three years to only listen to the best of you?

5 Years


What kind of bad habits would no longer be act out in 5 years because you repaired the relationship you have with yourself?

10 Years

Laser Focus

How effective would you be in 10 years if, you would practice  your ability to focus on what really matters for the next decade?

What price do you have to pay if you DON'T take action?

Do you find the bill for investing into yourself hefty? Wait till you see the bill for not investing into yourself...

1 Year


What kind of mind would you have a year from now if you failed to end your inner civil war?

3 Years


What kind of bad habits would you have a in three years if you failed to tame your  inner terrorist?

5 Years


What kind of  life results would you produce if you acted in accordance with the worst of you for 5 years straight?

10 Years


How would you treat others and yourself in 10 years if the worst of you has become the only you there is?

Ready for your cognition crash course?

Make an investment now and embark on a 5 day journey to learn.

... I don't have the money!

Ask yourself; Do you think the development of your character justifies the investment of 1 per day? We believe you are, additionally its worth noting that many TBU students reported that they started to earn more as a consequence of becoming more. If you however, can't afford the 1€ per day at the moment, you can write us an email in order to apply for a scholarship.

... I don't have the time!

Graduates of the Anti-Anxiety Program  often report that their time management skills radically increase because they've learned to identify and defeat their patterns of procrastination or self-betrayal.

... I don't know how to write!

Who cares? All you have to do is to think on paper to the best of your ability in regards to who you want to be and what life you really want to live. It's ok to make mistakes or to write badly as long as you get something on paper.


There is more...


The Behavour University is a school for humanity in which students can learn how to realize their potential and improve their characters with the help of technology and the world's best teachers.

The Mindboard

The Mindboard is a technological cognition enhancement that empowers you to design your character, invent a vision, change your habits & beliefs, set goals, measure life success and many other things.

Pulse of Life

The Life Pulse is a life success tracking device that will help you to figure out whether or not you are on course towards becoming the person you want to be.

Wheel of Life

The wheel of life was invented so that you can observe your life from a multi-dimensional perspective at all times.

Vision Cards

The vision cards will help you to keep your eye on the prize so that you can remind yourself daily of where you want to go and where you don't want to end up.

Goal Setting System

The goal setting system helps you to translate your most audacious dreams into achieveable sub-goals.

Question of the Day

You are always just one question away from changing your life, therefore you will be gifted with a transformative question every single day you log into the campus.


You will get daily advice from great thinkers of the past so that you can use their wisdom in order to better yourself until you, yourself join the ranks of the extraordinary.

Tailor-made Curriculum

The TBU mindboard will give you instant access to transformational masterclasses, writing programs, tools & technologies from world leading experts so that you can work when you want on what you want.


Video courses from the most spectacular individuals on the planet such as self-improvement pioneers, elite psychologists, world-leading scientists, best-selling authors and other champions of humanity.

Writing Programs

Interactive books and psychotherapeutic interventions from world leading psychology experts specially invented for you so that you are always one click away from learning how to become the kind of person who can triumph over your current life challenges, no matter how insurmountable they seem to be. 

Psychology Tools

Transformational tools, skills, techniques, exercises and meditations that you can add to your personal problem solving toolkit. 

Ready for your cognition crash course?

Make an investment now and embark on a 5 day journey to find out how to control your emotions.