Book Club

Explore Daniel Karim's handpicked selection of timeless books that every man must read in order to win the societal game and become their own messiah.


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Shark Tales
Wealth Accumulation

Shark Tales

Barbara Corcoran
Barbara Corcoran - Memoir
The Operator
Wealth Accumulation

The Operator

Tom King
Chronicles the career of entertainment mogul David Geffen.
The Rockefeller Habits
Wealth Accumulation

The Rockefeller Habits

Verne Harnish
Discusses the principles that guided tycoon Rockefeller.
The Wizard of Menlo Park
Wealth Accumulation

The Wizard of Menlo Park

Randall E. Stross
Chronicles the life and innovations of Thomas Edison
The Google Story
Wealth Accumulation

The Google Story

David A. Vise and Mark Malseed
Chronicles the rise of Google and its co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
The First Tycoon
Wealth Accumulation

The First Tycoon

T.J. Stiles
The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt
The House of Morgan
Wealth Accumulation

The House of Morgan

Ron Chernow
Chronicles the history of the Morgan banking family
The Howard Hughes Affair
Wealth Accumulation

The Howard Hughes Affair

Explores the life and eccentricities of Howard Hughes.
Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller,
Wealth Accumulation

Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller,

Ron Chernow
A comprehensive biography of John D. Rockefeller
lacocca: An Autobiography
Wealth Accumulation

lacocca: An Autobiography

Lee lacocca
The auto industry magnate shares his story
Barbarians at the Gate
Wealth Accumulation

Barbarians at the Gate

Burrough & Helyar
Chronicles the corporate takeover of RJR Nabisco
Poor Charlie's Almanack
Wealth Accumulation

Poor Charlie's Almanack

Peter D. Kaufmann
A collection of speeches and insights from Charlie Munger
The Art of the Deal
Wealth Accumulation

The Art of the Deal

Donald Trump
This memoir delves into Trump's early life and business career
What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence
Wealth Accumulation

What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence

Stephen A. Schwarzman
The Blackstone Group co-founder provides insights on deal-making, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
This Time Is Different
Wealth Accumulation

This Time Is Different

Reinhart & Rogoff
Cult classic about the cycles of wealth.
Direct From Dell
Wealth Accumulation

Direct From Dell

Michael Dell
The founder of Dell Inc. provides insights into the growth and strategy of his company.
The House of Rothschild
Wealth Accumulation

The House of Rothschild

Niall Fergusion
This two-volume series covers the rise and influence of the Rothschild family.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance:
Wealth Accumulation

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance:

Robert M. Pirsig
This philosophical novel delves into the concepts of quality and values, framed within a father-son motorcycle journey.
Leadership & Governance


Ancient Indian treatise on statecraft, economic policy, and military strategy.
On Duties
Leadership & Governance
A deep dive into moral duty, virtue, and the foundation of ethical leadership.
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Leadership & Governance

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Bei
An epic narrative blending fact and fiction, centered around the legendary hero Liu Bei.
Leadership & Governance


Philosophical musings exploring the nature of reality and the freedom found in going beyond conventional wisdom.
Lives of the Noble Greeks
Leadership & Governance

Lives of the Noble Greeks

Engaging biographies that offer insights into the lives and morals of notable Greeks.
Leadership & Governance


A gripping drama highlighting revenge, familial loyalty, and the cost of ambition.
The Meno
Leadership & Governance
Philosophical dialogue delving into the nature of virtue and the possibility of learning it.
Seven Against Thebes
Leadership & Governance

Seven Against Thebes

A tragic exploration of war's consequences and the fate of a city.
Lives of the Roman Emperors
Leadership & Governance

Lives of the Roman Emperors

Engaging biographies showcasing the virtues and vices of Roman emperors.
The Politics
Leadership & Governance

The Politics

A comprehensive analysis of the structures and purposes of various political systems.
Leadership & Governance


Sir Thomas More
A visionary depiction of an ideal society set on an imaginary island.
On Secular Authority
Leadership & Governance

On Secular Authority

Martin Luther
A theological reflection on the limits and responsibilities of secular rulership.
Reflections on the Revolution in France
Leadership & Governance

Reflections on the Revolution in France

Edmund Burke
A passionate critique of the French Revolution and its potential repercussions.
The Spirit of the Laws
Leadership & Governance

The Spirit of the Laws

A foundational exploration of the principles behind political structures and their impact on liberty.
Common Sense
Leadership & Governance

Common Sense

Thomas Paine
A galvanizing call to arms, advocating for American independence.
The Education of a Christian Prince
Leadership & Governance

The Education of a Christian Prince

Esiderius Erasmus
A guide on princely virtues and governance emphasizing Christian ethics.
Leadership & Governance


William Shakespeare
A tragic tale of ambition, power, and its haunting consequences.
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
Leadership & Governance

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

Galileo Galilei
A compelling defense of the heliocentric model against Ptolemaic geocentrism.
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
Leadership & Governance

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

Gustave Le Bon
A seminal study on the psychology and behavior of masses.
Farewell Address
Leadership & Governance

Farewell Address

George Washington
A heartfelt parting message emphasizing national unity and cautioning against political factions.
Medical Inquiries and Observations upon Diseases of the Mind
Leadership & Governance

Medical Inquiries and Observations upon Diseases of the Mind

Benjamin Rush
Pioneering insights into the nature of mental illness and its treatment.
Leadership & Governance


Frederick the Great
A critique of Machiavellian principles, advocating for benevolent leadership.
Leadership & Governance


An instructive portrayal of the ideal leader through the life of Cyrus the Great.
Instruction of Catherine the Great
Leadership & Governance

Instruction of Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great
A progressive legal reform promoting enlightened governance.
The Federalist Papers
Leadership & Governance

The Federalist Papers

Alexander Hamilton
A series of essays advocating for the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
The Letters of George III to Lord North
Leadership & Governance

The Letters of George III to Lord North

George III
Personal correspondences revealing the mindset of a monarch during turbulent times.
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