Book Club

Explore Daniel Karim's handpicked selection of timeless books that every man must read in order to win the societal game and become their own messiah.


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Killer Clown: The John Wayne Gacy Murders
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Killer Clown: The John Wayne Gacy Murders

Terry Sullivan
Explores the horrifying crimes committed by John Wayne Gacy, who hid behind a jovial clown persona.
The Iceman: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Iceman: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer

Philip Carlo
Provides a chilling glimpse into the mind of Richard Kuklinski, a ruthless contract killer.
The Nuremberg Interviews
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Nuremberg Interviews

Leon Goldensohn
Offers a unique perspective on the actions and motivations of Nazi leaders during the Nuremberg Trials.
The Butcher of Poland
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Butcher of Poland

Garry O'Connor
Examines the brutal actions of Heinrich Himmler, the architect of the Holocaust.
The Road to Jonestown: Jim Jones and Peoples Temple
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Road to Jonestown: Jim Jones and Peoples Temple

Jeff Guinn
Traces the rise and tragic downfall of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple cult.
The Milwaukee Cannibal: The Gruesome True Story of Jeffrey Dahmer
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Milwaukee Cannibal: The Gruesome True Story of Jeffrey Dahmer

Robert Keller
Examines the disturbing crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer, the Milwaukee Cannibal.
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung (The Little Red Book
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung (The Little Red Book

Mao Zedong
A collection of quotes and sayings reflecting Mao's ideology and influence on Chinese politics.
State and Revolution
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

State and Revolution

Vladimir Lenin
Explores the transition from capitalism to communism and the role of the state.
The Green Book
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Green Book

Muammar Gaddafi
Presents Gaddafi's political manifesto outlining his vision for governance and society.
Last Testament in His Own Words
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Last Testament in His Own Words

Radovan Karadzic
Provides insight into Karadzic's perspective during the Bosnian War and subsequent trials.
Collected Works
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Collected Works

Joseph Stalin
A compilation of writings covering various topics, including politics and ideology.
Civilization and Its Discontents
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Civilization and Its Discontents

Sigmund Freud
Explores conflicts between individual desires and societal constraints.
Speeches and Writings
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Speeches and Writings

Kim Il-sung
A collection of speeches and writings reflecting Kim Il-sung's leadership in North Korea and its ideology.
Power and Innocence: A Search for the Sources of Violence
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Power and Innocence: A Search for the Sources of Violence

Rollo May
Examines the sources of violence in society and human psychology.
Obedience to Authority
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Obedience to Authority

Stanley Milgram
Examines the willingness of individuals to follow orders, even when morally conflicted.
Making Evil
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Making Evil

Julia Shaw
Investigates the psychology of evil acts and the factors that drive individuals to commit them.
The Origin of Satan
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Origin of Satan

Elaine Pagels
Delves into the history and evolution of the concept of Satan in religious thought.
Zero Degrees of Empathy
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Zero Degrees of Empathy

Simon Baron-Cohen
Investigates the concept of empathy and its role in human behavior.
Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil

Paul Bloom
Explores innate moral instincts in humans from infancy.
Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty

Roy Baumeister
Explores the nature of evil and its manifestations in human behavior.
On Evil
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

On Evil

Terry Eagleton
Offers philosophical reflections on the concept of evil and its place in human existence.
Becoming Evil
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Becoming Evil

James Waller
Examines the process by which ordinary individuals become perpetrators of genocide and mass violence.
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts


Thomas Aquinas
The De Malo represents some of Aquinas' most mature thinking on goodness, badness, and human agency.
On Aggression
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

On Aggression

Konrad Lorenz
Explores the biological and psychological aspects of aggression in animals, including humans.
Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz

Thomas Harding
Thrilling account of a Jew who tracked down the Kommandant of Auschwitz
The Psychopathology of Serial Murder
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Psychopathology of Serial Murder

Stephen J. Giannangelo
"The Psychopathology of Serial Murder" delves into the disturbing world of serial killers and their psychological profiles.
Mengele: The Complete Story
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Mengele: The Complete Story

Gerald Posner and John Ware
"Mengele: The Complete Story" provides a comprehensive biography of the infamous Auschwitz doctor.
Hitler's Furies
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Hitler's Furies

Wendy Lower
"Hitler's Furies" offers a sobering account of the role of German women in the crimes of Nazi Germany.
The Architect of Genocide
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Architect of Genocide

Richard Breitman
"The Architect of Genocide" explores Heinrich Himmler's role in the Holocaust and Nazi atrocities.
Goebbels: A Biography
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Goebbels: A Biography

Peter Longerich
"Goebbels: A Biography" offers an in-depth look at Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's chief propagandist.
The Master of Confessions: The Making of a Khmer Rouge Torturer
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Master of Confessions: The Making of a Khmer Rouge Torturer

Thierry Cruvellier
"The Master of Confessions" uncovers the chilling transformation of a Khmer Rouge torturer and his role.
The Making of the Atomic Bomb
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Making of the Atomic Bomb

Richard Rhodes
"The Making of the Atomic Bomb" provides a detailed historical account of the development of atomic weapons.
On the Beach
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

On the Beach

Nevil Shute
"On the Beach" is a post-apocalyptic novel that explores the human condition in the face of nuclear disaster.
On the Natural History of Destruction
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

On the Natural History of Destruction

W.G. Sebald
"On the Natural History of Destruction" reflects on the devastation of German cities during World War II.
The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry

Jon Ronson
"The Psychopath Test" takes readers on a journey into the world of psychopathy and the challenges of diagnosis.
The Anatomy of Violence
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Anatomy of Violence

Adrian Raine
"The Anatomy of Violence" examines the links between brain biology and violent behavior.
The Mask of Sanity
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Mask of Sanity

Hervey M. Cleckley
"The Mask of Sanity" delves into the clinical characteristics of psychopathy and its diagnosis.
Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, and Other Sex Offenders
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, and Other Sex Offenders

Anna C. Salter
"Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, and Other Sex Offenders" offers a chilling exploration of the minds of sexual predators.
The Jigsaw Man
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Jigsaw Man

Paul Britton
"The Jigsaw Man" presents the work of a forensic psychologist who played a pivotal role in criminal investigations.
Lasting Effects of Child Sexual Abuse
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Lasting Effects of Child Sexual Abuse

Gail Elizabeth Wyatt
"Lasting Effects of Child Sexual Abuse" delves into the long-term impact of this heinous crime on survivors.
Dangerous Personalities: An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Harmful People
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Dangerous Personalities: An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Harmful People

Joe Navarro
"Dangerous Personalities" provides insights from an FBI profiler on identifying and safeguarding against harmful individuals.
Our Dark Side: A History of Perversion
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Our Dark Side: A History of Perversion

Elisabeth Roudinesco
"Our Dark Side: A History of Perversion" explores the historical and psychological aspects of human perversion.
The Anatomy of Motive
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

The Anatomy of Motive

John E. Douglas
"The Anatomy of Motive" by John E. Douglas unravels the complex motivations behind criminal acts.
Forensic Psychology
Evil & Defense Against the Dark Arts

Forensic Psychology

Solomon Fulero
"Forensic Psychology" offers an overview of the field's principles and practices in criminal investigations.
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